Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wing top skins

Here is the left wing panel with the leading edge assembled and riveted to the spar, as well as the tank mounted to the spar. It can't be seen in this photo, but the aileron brackets have been riveted on to the rear spar, and the Duckworks landing lights have been mounted in the leading edge. What can be seen is that the top wing skins have been riveted on. I did this riveting solo, standing on a step ladder, by first attaching the skins along the leading edge (top in the pic), then going partway down each rib. Then I laid on my back on the platform shown under the wing to reach up and finish each rib, top to bottom.Lastly the trailing edge (skin-to-read spar) was completed. The J-stringers have not been riveting in yet. Here is the right wing panel, showing the step ladder and the riveting that has been done from the top. The inboard skin is finished except for the trailing edge and the outboard skin has been started. You can see where the clecoes are missing, that is where the rivets have been put in. This is all "blind" riveting, meaning you can't see the bucking bar on the shop-head side. It takes a little practice , and it helps to have long arms and patience, but it can be done.

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