Sunday, June 20, 2010


Finishing up the tail

Wanted to knock out the tail area before moving back to finishing up the canopy. Temporarily mounted the horizontal stabilizer and the vertical stabilizer to the fuselage, and then fit the elevators. Completed but not pictured is the final pushrod that connects to the elevator horns. What this means is I can sit in the cockpit and make the elevators go up and down with the control stick! Kind of a milestone, albeit a small one...

Also mounted the rudder and fabricated and mounted the rudder stops.
The fiberglass empennage fairing ( the greenish tan thing) has been trimmed and molded to fit. I used a heat gun to soften it up in areas in order to massage it to fit better. Right now it's pretty good- but will be much better after a few layers of epoxy-micro ballons filler. The blue tape is in place to protect the aluminum from the epoxy. Lots of sanding and the fairing should be good to go.
Beyond that, the rudder pedals can be attached to the rudder cables (required custom-fabricated steel attachments), and the tail should be good to go. Then I'll disassemble it so I can open the garage door again... It will also free up a lot of space in the garage. The tail parts will go on much, much quicker the next (and final) time...

1 comment:

amilder said...

THose are the worst photos I've ever seen!!!