Lots of smaller tasks have been completed- I installed the brake lines and fuel lines inside the fuselage, plumbed the static line, and drilled and mounted the cabin heat valve to firewall. Also installed the crotch strap mounts. I decided to go with 5 point belts, and bought a pair of harnesses from Crow Enterprises in CA. I'll include those in a pic someday.

I also installed the smaller,shorter (of the two) elevator pushrod (after making a new one- long story). Just last Fri. I had help and rivetted the strobe box support, and two antenna doubler onto the fuselage bottom. My plan is to finish up the interior aft area, so I can rivet on the remaining aft top skin. Once that skin is on, access to the region will be much more difficult so I want to minimize what I have to do there. One snag is the ELT (emergency locator transmitter) that will likely mount aft. I've been waiting for a newer, less expensive 406MHz model to hit the market, the ACK E-04. I may just go ahead and rivet the skin on, and resign myself to installing the ELT later. The aft wiring has begun, it looks really bad here, but it's a work in progress.

The picture makes it look pretty dirty back there- most of that is overspray from the fuselage interior painting. I definitely need to clean that up before rivetting on the skin.
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