I mounted the vertical stabilizer and horizontal stabilizer in the last week. I had to drill several holes for the many bolts that are used to attach them to the fuselage. I used reamers for this job, to get nice tight tolerances on the bolt holes. It looks kinda cool, with these parts mounted. Unfortunately, I don't have the space to leave them on, so they had to come right off again and go back on the wall.... Later, after the canopy is done, I will break down that large wooden box in the background and there will be lots more room to work- then I will remount the tail parts, and attach and rig the elevators and rudder.

I also drilled and reamed the engine mount holes and started work on the panel, drilling holes. The 3 1/8" instrument hoels didn't turn out that great, may have to rethink that step...
Plan for the near future- rivet aft top skin, then get going on the canopy again. It's warm enough now I don't have to worry about the plexiglass cracking.